I have a big dream. It involves an RV, a grant, a camera, a few college graduates, ambition, and a quest for knowledge. I am a college senior and when I graduate in May I don't know what I'll be doing. There are so many questions that college has helped to answer-about myself, about life, about academics-and yet so many that are left unaswered...the biggest one revolving around what to do after I graduate.
I'm sure you're wondering...how does this dream work into all this? Even if you're not wondering this, I'm going to give you the answer. I want to help myself and other college graduates by asking questions and getting answers about life in the real world. And the RV? One word: Roadtrip. It's undeniable. Roadtrips can do so much for the young adult. They are like a right of passage. What better way is there to combine adventure, independence, not to mention frustration (Ever gotten lost on one? I know I have....) all the while making memories that you'll hold dear forever?
For this reason, as well as wanting to see the country in slower motion than I could via plane, my dream has to include the aspect of roadtrip. Last summer I ventured from California to Connecticut with my frind Julie and we had an amazing time. I don't think that I have driven as much or visited as many public restrooms in a five day period of time since...or ever.
Car singing is always a roadtrip essential. Ironhide, our trip's mascot.
One of the many public restrooms we visited.
Challenging the traffic laws of the mid-west.
Right now I am in the zygote stage of developing this dream and I am excited to see how it will take shape as time goes on. Here goes nothing...!
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